What you'll need:
1 Coconut - make sure it is free of damage and when you shake it, it's still got lots of liquid inside.
1 Bucket with warm water
1 Brick or large stone (to hold the coconut under the water)
1 large Ziploc bag
In this Video you'll see the initial process of getting the coconut ready for sprouting
Roughly 1 month after we put it into the Ziploc bag we got a sprout (Please note that it might take longer - Many factors are in play).
This sprout will grow very slowly! Like watching paint dry :) almost 2 months after the above sprout video we are looking at this :)
The sprout will reach a point when it starts growing quickly again... It really seems like a hurry up then wait thing :) here is an update where we transplant the coconut seedling into a pot with soil. If I was to do this again, I would use a better draining mix.. Perhaps more sand.
Remember that Coconuts like a well draining mix but like frequent watering. High light, Warm Temps and high humidity.
Good Luck and Happy Growing :)
Please show me your projects on the go and your progress :) We can all learn together :)